Night crew what? - Insomniac roll call!

comatose drunk, I was trying to convince myself I did good lol

LMFAO :clap:

Nice title…

haha Blu Martini has half price mondays, can’t go wrong<3

mmm cougars

and I didn’t go home with the one that wanted it last night she was 33 russian and recently divorced…

Instead I came on nyspeed and posted that I did a good thing not cheating on my gf to try and convince myself it was ok that I passed it up. FUCK, hey at least she bought my drinks.

in soviet russia, whore pays you!


African Lion Safari?

i had a mucho red eye from spot at nine, i’ll be awake until 8am.

god i hate exam week. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I feel ya… just left campus and wont be sleeping any time soon


i think my contacts are stuck to my eyeballs.

buffalo creek casino is sooooo dead right now… and fuck we close at 4am and gets even more boring… thank god i have an office to sit in and browse the internet

And I just got to Capen to start studying some more. weeeeeeeeee

almost done with research paper numero dos. fuck i hate social sciences, i also hate how awake i am–its just not right.

ugh i haven’t been to bed before like 4 in weeks

im so sick

I don’t think I’ve hated school this much before. MAE 376 is so fucking gay. Not that it’s entirely difficult, just gay.

Which class is 376 again?