Night crew what? - Insomniac roll call!

fuck my whiplash sucks

Bpipe you check your mailbox :snky:

you aren’t?

still up… sadly i average 4-5 hours of sleep per night. sucks man

get whatever it is off your mind and it will stop. please; work on it. it will happen, and you will love your life after it stops

yeah there’s always stuff on my mind but it doesn’t bother me. that makes sense though. crazy thing is my mom does sleep studies for a living lol i should just go have 1 done

I sleep 4-5 hours max. Less than 4 and I start to have trouble functioning, but 4+ works well.

Ya same here, shit sucks

Goddammit. Drank half an energy drink to keep me studying through the night. I underestimated how much of a candy ass I am now that I quit coffee. Wide-a-fucking-wake now.

haha. I’m on adderall, red bull, and starbucks right now. I’m not sleeping until Saturday.

I want to go to bed soooo bad… I am stuck watching a fucking stock pot bubble.

Word? I just let my shit go all night. I boil my shit for 24 hours, while I’m at work even.

Don’t show this post to insurance agent.

Mine is not allowed to boil, and it should be done with stage 1 at about 3 am. If i set an alarm, I will just turn it off and then be late for work.

meh i’ve had insomnia for a few years now…

2 benadryls say I’m not going to have insomnia in about 20 minutes…


fuck ya’ll good night =)





I remember mornings when the kids were asking me why I was still writing the same paper I started the night before :slight_smile:

You know you want coffee… It’s only $7… Coffee Pause needs you.