there she isVVV
there she isntVVV
oh and i love my toy tonka truck stance in the first two
how do u like it down there? any local forums?
how do u like it down there? any local forums?
o yea lots and lots. tracks. women. "mighty meets wed./thurs/fri that have 150+ cars there were 5 other speed3s on friday 10+ evos gt30R mazdaspeed6s…
…i like it down here a lot
give me some good forums and sites… 6 months and i should be out of here… most likely will be around march april. but i can dream cant i?
give me some good forums and sites… 6 months and i should be out of here… most likely will be around march april. but i can dream cant i?
umm there is an ungodly bike scene down here. every1 and there mom has bikes. sundays every gas station has 30-40 and then there is meets like every night of the week. def. get your fix down here
give it sometime and ill be down there penng a decent finance job