Night of stalking??

So when are we going to have the next “Night of stalking” again?? Should be soon before we’re all driving our winter cars!! lol

I’m up for that! I can’t exactly do any stalking in my Celica :vom: you guys will see what I mean when I bring the beast out for the winter :lol:

Was that the one with no exhaust whatsoever that you could hear from 3 blocks away? :smiley:

I’d be down for a night of stalking - one of my favorite event ideas. :smiley:

There is no difference between my winter, and my summer car. What is this “night of stalking” you all speak of?

We gather in a single place, and then split up to go out with our cars and stalk other Nissans. We drive through sections of the city in packs looking for cool Nissans to drop flyers off on.

It was a really fun idea, but last time in the spring it didn’t really net too many results. :smiley:

Cool that sounds like fun…

We should bring the race car out for this.

As long as the stalk happens a little later in the year (closer to the end of October), I’ll be able to bring it out. :slight_smile:

that sounds like fun, but name sounds kinda creepy. im in

I guess I’m in as well?

How about having it on the 31st :rolleyes:

How about having it on the 31st :rolleyes:[/quote]

How about that weekend tho, one of those nights?? Weekend of the 28th!!

Oooooh, can I bring out the Camry to own every last one of you? :lol:

Yes Please Own My Spec… I love a good ass whooping :E

I’ll stalk so good that those stairs dont know which way their stalking…? Wait i think i messed up… I’m in

I’d say Saturday the 29th we should do this, we all me up at U.C. for one last time and then go on a stalking

Looks like a god idea…there is no snow in the forcast up to the 29th…what does everyone think about 5:30ish…then we can still have a half hour of sunlight.

well assuming ericksen doesnt’ keep my car, which they prob will, i am in.

I may be in.I’ll have to pull the 300zx back out of hibernation though.

If not come for the ride if you want to, I’d come pick you up, not a big deal, plus it lets put those extra few klicks on my engine :E