Night of Stalking - April 2

Alright guys, to celebrate the web page’s first birthday, :bday we will hold the second night of stalking. We will meet at Hawrlak Park at 6:30pm, then split up and give out NECC flyers to the Nissans of the city. We will be targeting mostly movie theatres and malls because most people who are out, will be at those locations. Then we can meet up at southgate mall and roll into UC if there is a meet. The 2nd of April is a SATURDAY. Our regular meeting on Sunday will also happen the next night. Any objections?

Saturday April 2nd, 2005
Hawerlak Park

Sounds good. I know it is doubledowns (Mike) birthday that night too!! Can you say Doubletrouble!:anal
We are going to be taking the whole city by storm and to take care of some of the confusion, Please post up if you are able to make it and what part of the city you would like to take. Some people know their way around different areas better.

I’ll bring my camera and video to get some event footage AND 2 WAY RADIOS!!!


  • silvia_s13 - north or west
  • PyreXXX - west
  • Nis240
  • DoubleDown - west
  • RS13 - west or south
  • SRBURG13 - south
  • 1mns13 - north or east
  • s14 - north or st.albert
  • Zazam
  • n_i_s_s_a_n240sx - south
  • 93vg30e - south

#1) I’m up for it. I love the thought of stalking other cars. :slight_smile:
#2) I’ll probably be taking the west end, as it is the part I know the best. Probably the WEM/Terra Losa area.

Who else wants to stock the west end? We could either go in the same car, or have a mini-procession. :smiley:

Ill in if my car is out, or esle ill just ride with someone.

Oh hey, everyone with a digi-cam bring it if you can so we can snap pics of the cars we’re stalking. Then we could post up a thread on here with the pics, and write “Stalked! Check out your car on!” on the flyers! :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s my birthday April 3, so I’m partying that night. But I’ll come out for a bit of stalking beforehand. I grew up on the west end, so I know that area best, but Edmonton’s not a tough city to get around in… so I’ll take wherever.

Anney will probably be in the passenger seat, but my spacious S13 backseat is available for anyone that wants to join. I’ll bring a camera too I guess.

  • Mike

Hopefuly i will be there all depend on work. I will take the westend or southside. I hate USPS its been 3 weeks and i am still waiting on some walkie talkies. My passenger seat is open to anyone.

Ya, I’ll be there. Not sure what the vehicle situation will be though. lol. May need to ride with someone.

Southside for myself.

I should be able to do the north, north east areas. Maybe in a Nissan

I’ll come out this time for sure. sorry about not coming to a meet in like 3 months again…

i’d like to take north side or possibly st albert.

I’m down :smiley:

i will be out there but not in the pathfinder, most likely in n_i_s_s_a_n240sx but if he is unable to attend the pathfinder for sure

Age discrimination? :scared

Age discrimination? :scared[/quote]

Not really, just that Nissans are owned by people in all walks of life. I have a neighbor who has a 240 and I would never think of them joining up because they are in a different walk of life. I guess they could be interested its just that we would probably have a better hit to miss ratio if we didnt go to safeway lots on a Saturday night. I’ll change it just so it’s clear that we are not age discriminate :roll:

Will you be attending this function Inzane?

This is for all us new guys out her and our first time stalking, (god that sounds weird) anyway. if you old timers could answer a couple questions for me and who ever needs them.

1- are we looking for tricked out nissans or just run of the mill

2- are we droping flyers or following ppl around and stoping them or whats what?

3- well… umm… anyone got anthing to add to this???


We are handing out flyers to either the owners in person, or on the windsheild or whatever.

Well, the more tricked out the cars the better. Just use your descretion in choosing which car to hand a flyer to. There are a lot of Nissans out there, but there are many that do not care to join a club. So I would say, make an educated guess.

I don’t particularly enjoy driving the 300zx especially in this weather and it’s a little goofy stocking Nissans in a Subaru so I probably won’t make it out.

Like Zazam in his Neon last year! hahaha

well the weather has taken an unfortunate turn for the worst, as you all know there is 1/2 a foot of powder down… are we going to see what the road situation is like later on like 5 days before, or are we doing this for sure?

if this is a go SRBURG13 my passenger seat is open to you in my pathfinder

They’re forecasting +1 for Friday and plus temps past that, so don’t give up on it just yet. :smiley: