After talking to a few people at last nights N.E.C.C. meet, it was discussed that we should maybe have a “mid month” meet. Maybe cruse down to Hawrelak park and throw some bugers on the grill and have ourselfs a little BBQ meet . Then after the meet, we could cruise down to United Cycle and maybe re-cruit some more fellow Nissan’s or just shoot the shit with the people there. So I thought we should at least throw around a date such as Friday June 18th 2004 and maybe give people some time to maybe book it off work or whatever. Nothing is set in stone, so give us some feed back on if this is too early of a date or if Hawrelak sucks or whether there is just lack of interest . Anyways, any feed back?
Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Heck, I’m actually free this Friday too if anyone wants to meet then too.
But yeah, I should be able to book it off.
How about we make it another “Night of Stalking”???
Sounds good. Make it before the 23rd though b/c that’s when the sentra goes under the needle.
just come up with a date …
The 18th would work for me.
Yea the 18th is a better day then this friday since it calls for rain this friday. And yes, it should be anothert night of stalking, I’m sure more people (including myself) will be able to make this one. 7:00 pm is a good time to start the BBQ’s
I should be able to make it.Anytime after 7:00pm would work
So then I guess from the majority of responses it would be safe to say that Friday June 18th, we’ll have a BBQ meet n` great at Hawrelak Park.
Date: Friday June 18th
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Hawrelak Park
Plan: BBQ some grub, do some Nissan stalking, meet at U.C. for results.
Don’t forget to bring your fm radios for communication for the stalking event.
Next order of discusion, who brings what i.e. BBQ(s) Hot dogs, burgers, women, etc…
Or should everyone just bring their own food?
I have a small bbq which I can bring.The only problem is that afterwards you have to cruise around with the damn thing in the back.I don’t mind bringing mine though because I probably won’t go cruising in the civic after.
You mean FRS radios right? Not FM. Bring your own food sounds good, unless we have a large surplus of funds.
Humm maybe I do… Maybe I don’t :roll: …
lol just joking, I couldn’t think of what they were called… Anyways rick on
Hmmmm, it’s looking like I can get the evening off. So I’m good to go.
I guess we’ll fire up a nice spot in one of the large parking lots, and shoot up a BBQ. Burgers, hotdogs whatever you want. Maybe work something out with some buddies and bring things to share. Please don’t bring any booze. As much as I’d like to fire it up with you guys, no booze, since we’re crusing after.
After that, when we’re good and ready, we whip out the flyers and the FRS Radios, and separate into groups of two cars. Each group takes a corner of the city, and we look for other prospects for the NECC. Shoot them a flyer and let them know about the meet that night at United Cycle. Just make sure that they are people that would be interested in such a group. No Oma’s and Opa’s etc.
Then, later that night at a specified time, we meet somewhere near United Cycle, and then all cruise down there together as a group.
Sound good?
Hey you call your grand-parents oma and opa too? Thats awesome me too!
LOL anyways yeah sounds great to me.
This sounds great to me… probably won’t have my car insured by then, and I also have a friend’s 18th that day, so hmmmm. I’ll figure something out and hope to stop by to meet with the gang.
No booze no fun :!: j/k What about 0.5 :lol:
The long range forcast looks great!! (I know its long range and Edmonton’s weather is strange, but still) I like friday meets. There is usually nothing else to do.
I should be able to make it out for a bit
so whos bringing what to the bbq like food drink and stoves
i can bring a small stove if needed…
Well, I’m planning on only eating Hotdogs. Easy and fast.
Cheese if wanted
BBQ to cook on
Burgers are pretty much the same thing.
I can bring the buns. Possibly some mustard. Enough for like 10.
What’s everyone else bringing? I don’t want to see a bunch of mooching people coming, because all you’ll be doing is watching us eat. No freebies here boyz. Everyone should try and bring at least something.
So far it looks like I"m the only one eating, what’s up?
i can bring a 12 pack of hot dogs.
The forcast is sweet, it’s gonna be a nice night for once!