Nismo pervert

i know a girl that is 13 that gets into 19+ clubs

Anyone remeber that chickie Blade had at the Grand Prix Toronto at the booth? I know I did.

She was 15 then WTF? She should get charged for looking like that. (Bing should have gotten charged for his jailbait too)

^It depends what you mean when you say “charged”, because I’m pretty sure she did :smiley:

that chick is a year younger then me only and went to my gf school. she wasnt 15 when she started

any girl that wears that is wifey material

Oh trust me I was charging and then Gabe at JI tells me she is 15?! Maybe he is wrong, how young is she BTW.

We just shot her for the Rocawear spot in PAS Mag in the nest issue.

Oh, I don’t know her, wasn’t speaking from personal experience. But, despite her age, I’m sure there’s people that are.

wow blandmtthw is messed.


hahaha damn that was emberassing lol @ nismo… oh and the last guy covering his head looks like mark/fobwall LOL

It’s true, fobwall is usually mistaken for a pedo…

So you guys are telling me that (if it was legal), you wouldn’t hit this? Bullshit you wouldn’t!

And she is like 14-15 in this pic. lol