Nismo steering wheel

I have an authentic nismo steering wheel. I don’t think I’ll be coming back to nissans anytime so the wheel must go!

  • Leather wrapped
  • black stitching

Pick-up only

damn I thought this would go quick!

pm me how much you’d like and i’ll give my best offer.


wait…are u selling this?
im confused, why is this in the WTB section?

1ǝoɹ uʍop pǝpısdn sı p1ɹoʍ ǝɥʇ

fuck I’m must of been super high when I posted this :frowning:

Not for sale anymore I think i’m going to get an s13 now :smiley:

if you dont ill give you best pwwice …34.50

lol. no thanks man!

lol but yeah if you do decide to sell pm me :slight_smile:

will do!