Nissan FAST for download

I already got it to work and you know it.


I already got it to work and you know it.[/quote]

Gee thanks for posting instructions for others. :roll:

Here’s that Win2000 version again.

Aight this is what Paul suggested I try:

  1. Uninstall Nissan Fast if you already have.

  2. Extract the RARs you downloaded to a folder (for example, extract the A1.RAR to c:

  3. Extract the into that drive above (c:

  4. Run the setup from the c:
    folder and install to c:
    (or whatever)

  5. Once installed, run the Fast Setup program and point the drives to your c:

Let me knwo if this does anything for any of you.

I already got it to work and you know it.[/quote]

Gee thanks for posting instructions for others. :roll:

I refer you to the post preceeding the one you quoted :slap: