No breasts, but a lotta balls

Hey everyone! Not sure where to start, but I’m new to the community…

I met up with a couple of guys (sureshot! & darkkstarr) at an arcade in Tonawanda, who introduced me to this place. I’ve been looking for a way to get my foot in the door to street racing and general automotive knowledge.

I don’t ride a Supra, Lancer, or Corvette, but I’m surely interested in investing time and money into a race car of some kind. RX-7s, 300ZXs, or BMWs would be at the top of my list. If anyone knows where to find a cheap car, I’d appreciate a point in that direction.

Right now I’m driving a '94 Dodge Spirit, so I blend into the traffic well. My 4 cylinders run smooth under aluminum heads, but at almost 140K miles I can’t expect much of ANYTHING but a nice commute to/from work and school.

I go to Erie Community College (south, in orchard park), and I hear there’s quite a few guys from this board who also go there. I’d like to meet up sometime just to see what you drive, or how you got it.


haha word up man :tup:

glad to see you joined, it’s a good community here

What’s up bro. welcome to the board. :wave:

there are always people out and about…meeting up…chillin at mighty…etc.

just check the random meets to see if anybody is out doing anything and just show up. People will be glad to meet ya :slight_smile:

see ya around

welcome, stop up at some meets before the seasons over :tup:
you can have my Z :stuck_out_tongue:

welcome :wave:

word come out to some meets in the next 3 weeks before i am gone LOL

definitely… i’m lookin’ now to see about meets.

lol k cuv, we’ll race for pink slips. my 2.5L K-Flex 4’ll give you a run for your money. just gotta worry about my struts holding up on turns at high speeds!


This message forum isnt concerend with what you drive… its your knowledge of bench racing :tup: just kidding. Welcome to the board.:wave:

welcome to the board

<-----Freind of Darkkstar

Welcome to the board!

I’ll be taking a few courses at ECC this fall, but likely will be doing online courses. Look for a red MR2.

welcome to the board man!


u should come out to starbucks tonight

welcome aboard

fucker gets to miss the hurricane

and welcome, but why those cars for a race car. You can be extremely competative in something so much cheaper, i.e. miata

HAHAHAHAHA yea…no hurricane for me…thank god lol

How much are you looking to spend for a car?

Man, that is so cool. :tup: