no casino for Buffalo.....

Or maybe if you’d get your head out of your ass Fry, and stop comparing a casino built in the downtown area of a city to ones built in the middle of nowhere as resort type desinations you’d see the light. I know it looks dark when you’re staring at your colon. :wink:

Oh look! Corn!

(Good point…)

yes yes we know, ethanol will save Buffalo.


No, Jay said it won’t.

psh, Fry, you are why buffalo can’t have nice things.

Didn’t i read somewhere that we will be capped at $7 Mil?

Progress is good, but for fucks sake who negotiated that?

BTW, a casino in a metropolitan area:

My best friend used to work there before he decided to move home. Pretty cool place.

Google has a street view:,-95.677068&sspn=35.357014,61.523437&ie=UTF8&ll=42.338293,-83.040333&spn=0.008057,0.01502&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=42.33425,-83.041065&panoid=HdXrFCgvmVrpJ_pSVtiZMg&cbp=1,341.8386689468036,,0,5

I haven’t seen anything about a 7 mil cap. It wasn’t mentioned here either:

With Brown being such a moron it wouldn’t surprise me if he signed something to that effect though.

-We want our economy to start booming
-We want more jobs created
-We want more business to come to Buflo
-We want more diversity

-But we dont want to take the first step and start with a casino. I dont understand these people. Everytime a new business comes in…a lawsuit follows.

It’s because Buffalo’s fucking useless self-serving political system is broken to the point that it has been replaced by the court system. We don’t vote. We don’t give our input to a system that hears it and makes decisions. We aren’t led by elected officials. We file lawsuits and are led by attorneys.

^ Are you really suprised?

Some more of Buffalo’s great anti-business moves:

Pano’s finally gets approval to expand, after multi-year lawsuits and who knows how much spent in legal fees:

Elmwood Village Hotel lawsuit:,_N.Y._hotel_proposal_to_New_York_Supreme_Court

Grain elevator lawsuits:

Peace Bridge lawsuits:

There are more, but I have work to do.

But yeah, what downtown really needs is a bunch of businesses to move down there. WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS WANT TO MOVE THERE WHEN ALL PEOPLE DO IS SUE? Successful companies look at places like Georgia who are welcoming them with open arms and tax incentives, then look at Buffalo who sues every time a shovel gets near it’s historic dirt, and the decision of where to go is easy.

Very true.

And I agree a Casino is not going to bring massive benefits and turn the corne, but it’s a start of development. And isn’t it better than nothing at all?

I personally would rather see a casino than a bunch of vacant decaying buildings.

^ to JayS… god that post is depressing. WHY THE FUCK would there be such an issue with Panos expanding. I drove by it recently, and it’s not like they are building a fucking high rise.

I hate these fucking people with a passion.


Because, according to the people of Elmwood, every building is historic. If you want to knock one down to expand one of the most successful businesses on the street you’d better plan on at least 3 years in court fighting over it.

If I’m looking for a place anywhere in the country to put my expanding company that’s just the kind of city attitude I’d be looking to avoid. Then you look at our taxes and that just seals the deal. You can probably get over the taxes for the low cost of living/property costs but it’s not worth it when you factor in anti-business/quick to sue mentality of the region.

Id start by tearing down a bunch of things on elmwood. People are idiots, they bitch about nothing just to bitch. wa wa wa its historical dont tear it down, its only 400059439 years old and the inside of my toilet looks better, but hey its historical.

:lol: I know someone opening a business on Elmwood and I feel bad for all the BS he is going through right now with permits…Apparently in Buffalo you need to pay people off the normal routes are quite hard as he is finding out.

I’m amazed that the company I work for now was able to build here in South Buffalo off of Tifft. I know that we got offered quite a bit more from other states to move too.

I don’t see how one drive down route 5 between ridge and downtown wouldn’t convince anyone to tear every vacant building down, and at least fucking TRY to re-vitalize this god forsaken area.

A good family friend of mine was head of the Preservation Board for the city for a super long time. The ones who decide what’s a landmark, what can be demolished and modified, etc. The Brown administration forced him out almost immediately under shady pretenses, because they said he was too conducive to demolitions and wanted someone that would be more willing to preserve our rotting “historical treasures”

And not to let the burbs off the hook:

Amherst Town Center lawsuit

yep, i went through this. Its standard and accepted practice to pay people off.