move out of the way so i can see what the bonus thursday specials are all about

i’m less of a sound engineer/live recorder, and focus more just on producing so I just never took the time and looked around I guess

so why is there so much hate on ineedacar in this thread? i know the dude and hes not so bad. who cares what he doesn with his music, if you dont mess around with music, then done talk shit. if you do then step up and top his shit.

so much hate and shit talking in thise thread, amspimpwagon, you sound like a total fucking tool, stay in the garage and less in this thread.

mike dont let these fucking vaginas bring you down, if you like fuckin with beats, do it. half these guys dont even know what fruity loops is, let alone how to fucking use it.

Fucking idiots, i swear…

Shit like this is depressing to read…since when was racism allowed on here?

ineedacar called newman a scumbag. :lol:

i miss you LOL


I apologize, I shouldnt have went off on this guys “beat making skillzz”.

What really just annoyed me about him in the first place was the fact that he acted like he knew everything about hiphop. Then continued to say how lilwayne and all these other bullshit pop artists were the best rappers of all time.

I just get irritated when people get this pop garbage confused with real hiphop.

he clearly stated the radio songs are not their real hip hop tho. he even gave a fuckin link to finding their mixtapes which he referred to as real. you fuckers can’t read.

wow, this thread now sucks. When did the change from talking about lil wayne and rappers switch to ineedacar? I don’t wanna talk about him.


we can still talk about lil wayne too.

i just wanted to point out that ineedacar was really funny looking.

:lol: :lol:

I also like Twista. Especially in that song “let’s go” w/ lil jon. He just raps so goddamn fucking fast.

this isnt towards anyone in particular on here, but most kids on here are REALLY super white suburban kids, and thats fucking :tup: for them. Fortunately, i’m mature enough to appreciate other styles of music and shit, so even tho I wasn’t lucky enough to grow up in the nicest neighborhoods, i’m not ignorant to the styles of music I don’t favor. I like how hip-hop sounds, I love listening to it, I love how it makes me feel, and thats why I get into producing my own. Interesting to look at it like that, rather than me trying to “look tough”, huh?

trust and believe, not 1 thing anyone said in here hurt my feelings. I’ve been writing music since I was 4, and I know it doesn’t suck. Call that cocky, but whatever… it doesn’t. Newman’s the kid that almost everyone he meets in his life will try their best to just be nice to him, because they feel sincerely bad for how stupid he looks/acts/apparently is… I know about 5 more kids EXACTLY like him to a T, and i’m sure most people on here that went to high school know a few as well. He thinks he’s some unique awesome kid, and thats cool, confidence does in fact get you laid. But to the rest of the world, dudes actions and words are just as corny as his haircut, thats why he’s ignored.

That kidz a fuckin FAGGOT.



  • you don’t know anyone like me. - i’m not that unique - but i AM super awesome

let’s look back in this thread a minute:

If you want to make “high school” analogies, this statement is totally indicative that you’re the “poor” kid that pretends to be “tight” with all the “in” kids, but the “loser” kids don’t like you because you think “you’re down”, and the “hip” kids hate you because you really like “math”.

I used a lot of “street” words in there because i know that you’re “down”

EDIT: (and “poor”)

EDIT2: (and “ugly”)

This message is hidden because newman is on your ignore list.

why am I so confident this reads so much better than whatever bullshit you just typed out trying to justify some stupid point that A) no one cares about B) has nothing to do with this topic and C) makes you sound super jealous, again.

wait for it…

wait for it…

because you never fail to live up to the flock of seagulls emo fag you really are. ALL of you act EXACTLY the fucking same, its HILARIOUS.

get off the thread already no one cares

Wow. I can piss this guy off and he’s not even reading my posts! This is great.

because you never fail to live up to the flock of seagulls emo fag you really are. ALL of you act EXACTLY the fucking same, its HILARIOUS.

YOU GOT ME! i am a flock of seagulls EMO FAG. We are all the same.

I forgot that all EMO FAGs are:

  • handsome- smart- awesome- and really really STRONG

Im srry u r dum lookin.

Worst thread