of the year.


I hate you.


fucking lol

to me its not even funny because I think the kids a douche.

thats just funny because its true

wow, you guys should put on the gloves and duke it out. BTW Its usually the “suburban” white kids that know the most about music, get the mixtapes and unreleased songs because they have the resources. Theres plenty of people on here that know just as much about rap if not more than you. Your first mistake is underestimating other forum members because of where they live or how they look. Saying Newman doesnt know anything about rap because he doesnt “look” like he would listen to it. Im willing to bet he knows his fair share. There is numerous DJ’s on the board. Darkstar, Redcivichb, that are reputible DJ’s that deal with mainstream and local artists like DJ Noodles and Trazz and plenty more. I believe redcivichb is even signed to Shady ent. So you writing music
and saying your superior because you arent “suburban”, or atleast like to think your not, is your mistake because its the suburban kids who use programs like FTP’s, Torrents and MIRC to get the mixtapes and underground shit, and have the education to find the music the “hood” kids can’t.
Don’t take this the wrong way because I’m not attacking you, I just think you need to open your eyes and realize just because NYSpeed isnt the fruitbelt, we’re not ignorent…

ehhh, i’m pretty ignorant about rap. i only like it because it’s funny.

one funny thing about rap is shitty kids listening to it and pretending to be hard.

I love that.

you read what I said wrong I think, I was reffering more to the general attitude that I sucked at this because i’m white, and that I deal with “wiggers”. I never said “newman you know nothing about rap”. You wasted mad time posting all that man lol newman tried telling me i’m ugly when he looks like he lets someone cut his hair that just doesnt like him. thats ALL that was about, nobody linked that in any way to music in general whatsoever.

And i never said I was superior to anyone. Why the fuck does this always happen on here? You say something to a specific person, someone else who it had NOTHING to do with reads it and doesn’t understand what you mean, then posts some shit like this?
that whole post is one giant “NO SHIT” statement… but at least ur not a dick

i love when people make fun of my hair.

that is all i have to add lol

rappers are so cool.

lol gillies definitely got balls, but i think birdman > gillie

and i’m not talking about rapping skills

“what are we doing? stackin figures” “what are you doin? kissing niggas” lol gotta love it


did you ever see the whole video that they took that clip of them “kissing” from?

they don’t even kiss on the lips like they make it seem :rofl: they do the italian respect kind of kiss thing, but they stopped the video at that moment you see there and called it a picture, and it sure as hell does look like they’re about to kiss

Yea that def looks like there loving the dudes in that pic haha

gillies a bitch. hes ghost writing eveyones shit but cant put out a decent single?? Right…
I know of one song “get down on the ground” and it was horrible.

ya hes garbage thats why people only really know him for bitching about wayne lol

Wow. A Flock of Seagulls reference. Can we get a Kris Kross reference next? That’d be awesome! :stuck_out_tongue:

^^ Ask and ye shall recieve. Thanks!

it’s funny how that type of shirt is totally back in style…