NO offense but i dont care if it runs 9, a minivan is still pretty gay

Classy Cab?

you know it son… will happen soon. SOUTH SIDE FTW. Now just to get a Classy Cab thingy on my roof.

I challenge you from 1-5 on my John Deere 170

I accept, I will be riding my kids xr50r.

We need to host a Pittspeed drunken minibike olympics. Get beat up old 50cc bikes, get drunk, race them around a flat track and smash into each other. WIN!

please shut your mouth before I shut it for you


love thirteentwenty

Uhh-Charlie-Roger-Baker…We have a confirmed case of Shaggy being a giant fag. Over.

10-4 over

2009 town & country, I’M IN!

if you’re too much of a vagina to attend the event, you can just say so. No need to lash out in a fit of threatened violence.

you are the biggest pussy i know. delete yourself for another year
