no raise in 09 crew?


lol i even saw/seen/noticed that in the email

same here. found out yesterday afternoon im getting a 2% raise in salary, and a reasonable bonus. :tup: They basically told us earlier in the year no bonus or raise this year. What a pleasant surprise.

Have any of you actually seen the movie ‘Head Office’?

The corporation must survive, and by survive I mean maintain/improve profit margins.

We are hiring 2 new guys and yesterday we had the highest % increase on the NYSE :tup: go us!

well no raise is better than this:

Wife got basically a little better than cost of living. Her manager was pissed because she asked for much more but corporate clamped down big on raises this year.

Only thing that sucks is at their big corporate meeting they came right out and said that the division my wife works in is basically carrying the entire company.

My company doesn’t do reviews until over the summer.

just found out, not getting shit

If you want a raise get elected to congress and decide your own raise.

no raise but increase in duties
OH and they no longer contribute to my 401k
Some also got 10% paycuts but still work 40hrs/wk