no raise until september, and who knows if we will get our bonuses in february, even though we had our 3rd most profitable year ever.
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Anyone who’s feeling shitty about being in this boat, just remember, it could be a lot worse.
I got a payscale increase.
From x to y.
Then payscale Y got a 3.85% increase.
Well, I got no raise. But still got a rather size-able bonus, yet nothing compared to what it used to be.
i got a 4% increase, not amazing but more than anyone else at that works in my store. also got a decent bonus for the yr
woooooo hoooo no job 09 crew! :grouphug:
so my company layed off 13 warehouse guys and 1 office girl. Do I still ask for a raise come march?? I am valued by the company because of all the different jobs I know. I am also in charge of one of our main clients. WWYD?
So 4.5% profit sharing for Praxair. They better still give raises. Even if they’re small if you get nothing then you effectively get a pay cut.
I have heard nothing about withholding them.
I would be happy if they kept my raise and offered a normal medical plan
It could always be worse, the place I got laid off from gave all remaining employees a 3% raise, then two weeks later cut everyone’s salary 10%… :roflpicard:
I got a very small raise and our 08 bonus, but it doesn’t matter much… just glad to have a somewhat secure job with no change in our already good benefits.
I wouldn’t ask for a raise for anything right now. There’s always someone more hard up than you who will do more with less. I know come reorg time at my work, if I get to keep my job, I’ll get more responsibility. I’m not asking for a dime.
I got a small raise in '08. Doubt i’ll be seeing one in 09. With so many people getting laid off/let go, I’ll be happy to keep my job for a while.
all i got was a Happy New Year! and o ya btw take all your shit out of the shop, our company is getting liquidated. sweet. unemployment ftw I guess. hopefully the economy turns itself around by the time I’m done with school…
ha i have not gotten a rise since the day i was born
just got my letter for my first raise this year, takes effect saturday.
my next raise will be in october this year.
not too sure if i’ll get a COLA this year or not though.
I made 15k more in 08 then 07 and 09 should be at least 10k more then 08 ^^
I see a lot of companies out there who are doing well financially just using the economy as an excuse to cut a lot of dead weight that has built up over the years… Using this time to restructure and become more agile without the negative press they would have gotten if they would have attempted this a year ago.
Our company is extremely strong financially and we had a single reduction in force a month ago, but it was mostly based on restructuring how we approach certain aspects of our business, and cutting the dead weight that was associated with the old ways.
Just got the news, officially out. Got a merit increase and a bonus, albeit its only 1/5 of what I would have gotten had i started any other year, but i was expecting bonuses to be cut completely. Gotta love an extra X,XXX in your next check…
i got this this morning
Our company has always taken a disciplined and responsible management approach that has resulted in our ability to remain profitable and competitive. During these tough economic times, we must be even better stewards of every premium dollar we receive. As a result, there will be a temporary hold on our hiring. This will only affect open positions; all current job positions are secure. Some open positions that are critical to fulfilling our mission may be filled during this time. A great deal of prudence and discretion will be used in making these decisions. Additionally, the executive team is assessing the priorities of our current and new corporate projects. These new measures are effective immediately. This temporary hold on hiring and assessment of projects for 2009 will continue until we have a better sense of our revised budget. The final revised budget will be approved by the board of directors in early April, as part of the usual course of events. At that point, we will reassess our status on hiring and new projects for 2009.
By implementing these steps, we will ensure we maintain our strong financial position and leadership in the marketplace. We want to stay ahead of the curve and avoid reacting to market conditions, as we recently saw with the cuts at HealthNow, in their effort to become more efficient. While it’s still too early to understand the full effect of the economic downturn, we are starting to see the trickle-down effect in the health care industry. In addition, we face an increased financial burden from the new and raised taxes and fees on health care and health insurance as proposed in the New York state budget.
The preventive steps we are taking are important in keeping our company strong and secure over the long term. By proactively implementing measures to control our costs, we create an opportunity to better assess economic factors that will influence our future. In many respects, our business is no different from a typical household that must weigh the economy’s affect on family decisions about budgeting and spending. Through wise advance planning and clearly defining our company’s priorities, we will chart a course to successfully meet our financial and business goals.
We continue to provide extraordinary customer service, engage our stakeholders and transform our business to create a healthier Western New York. Thank you for all you have done to help us reach our goals. You are our greatest asset and truly make Independent Health a great place to work.
February 12, 2009