Rumors are circulating that we will not get raises this year…nothing in stone yet though…
We do ours in the fall. 5% for being with the company for 6 months.
laidoff here…
Prorated 3% since I have only been there 6 months
ugh. wtf. Was such a kickass job on the surface.
i don’t even care about the raise to be honest. i’m close to my salary cap anyway so it wouldn’t be much. i will just be thrilled if i still have my job by the end of this year.
Yeah I got 3% last year and will probably get the same. But my raises come at my yearly reviews. not at the beginning of the year.
'09 looks pretty good for me so far, things are falling into place nicely, I should increase my income by about 35-40% compared to '08. SO that’s not too bad of a raise. Better than most I guess.
50-75% raise LULZ
:lol: auto industry
never had one in four years
I got a raise and then my raise got a 4% increase.
Time for a new job? :gotme:
yo dawg we heard yo like raises?
I was all.
You going to the earnings meeting?
My sources tell me that they have never not given out raises.
And we are doing well financially, so there is no reason not to.
On top of that, after the layoffs, they may not force managers to give less than standard ratings.:roflpicard:
I do however not expect the 8% profit sharing that was thrown around in all my interviews. I figured 5% at best when I started knowing that it would not increase again. “Milt, we’re gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into storage B.” -BL
But, I still have a job… for now anyway
I’m pretty sure I’m not in this boat.
I’ve always gotten significant raises - if the company survives through my next one (mid-year) I’d bet I get one again
As in:
you get a $5 an hour raise, and then that increased by 4%?
so $5.00 -> $5.20???
Or did you get an X% raise that changed to (X+4)%???
I won’t know about a raise til june or july.