Nocturnal Nights 7/20?



sorry to hear that chad

i hope everyone has gotten to meet chad cause he will no longer be aloud to come out and play with us now

o and i give it 6 months and she will make him sell his stang:blue: :blue: :blue:

jp congrats chad


Yep, those are my plans too :slight_smile:

haha she loves the car too much. she wanted our engaugement pics taken with it. so i dont see it goin anywhere :slight_smile:

:beer:…yup shes a keeper :rofl:

I am chilled out. I thought those sounded like legitimate questions. Everyone is so edgy today.

or a good actress

i am already pre gaming for the wedding and it is opnly thursday!!!

me too!


u are always :beer::rofl:

i’m all for burnouts but not piece of shit cars. even my own boys are guilty of it. its not entertaining anymore.

hahaha awesome. I don’t think she minds the car…atleast not as much as most gf’s do.

Since nobody wants to give up the location of where the show moved to can we at least get a general area? It would be nice since everyone is from complete different directions. I would love to know how far or close this one will be.

No… I like secrets. Everything is not finalized yet, thats why information is not being released.

Parkway Center Mall has a big lot, an its always dead anyways, they probably wouldn’t turn down money…lol, i dont mind paying $5 to go, it was well worth it IMO. The only problem is the additional drive people from the East would have to come, its only like 4 miles though