Nokia Does It Again...

you dont see a lot over here because nokia doesnt do much for the CDMA market, which is a lot bigger in the US than other places.

nokia has a huge hold on the market in a lot of other places in the world. i forget the % that they have on the world, but it was impressive.

nokia makes some kick ass phones. i love my 6256i on VZW, but u wont find it many places for a few reason, mainly cause VZW never picked it up as a main phone (retailers are the main source for this phone). mp3, uncrippled bt, speakerphone, nokia’s UI (not VZW’s), and a bunch of other perks. ive actually talked about the alarm clock on this thing for almost 5 minutes alone. i really really WISH they would make more handsets for VZW, instead of rebadging pantec’s (like the 6215i) and putting a damper on their reputation.

ive been doin phones for over 3 years now boys and girls, ive got a good amount of experience.