Non-alcohol related things to do in winter????

Also pick up a new hobby, like photography OH BTW I happen to be selling my camera, buy buy buy!!!

:tup: that’s how i met rubicant!

you forgot drifting. it’s extra points when you combine all 4.

DISCLAIMER: i don’t condone drinking and driving very far. if you are going to do this, go to a parking lot within a 5 minute drive of your house.

winter = snowboarding, drinking, drinking, sex ???


i meant drifting. fuck off it’s early and i was up too late. :lol:

Heres another idea, go to the golf dome and drive some balls or do putt putt.

“Just because we’re stuck in a bubble doesn’t mean we can’t cause any trouble”

sex, drink, sex, sex, drink, sex, xbox, eat, drink, sex, eat, sex, xbox, drink…thats about all there is to do in winter lol.

go bowling

play a winter sport, like hockey. or curling

yeah, bowling roxors.

Here is what I do :

Play PC games
Work Out
Sell on Ebay
Play the lottery (lol,I dont drink)
Go places

I did end up going midnight bowling last night. Lots of youngins there but it was still fun.

I am starting a roller hockey session at milsher(yuck!!) sunday nights but not til Feb 11th. So thats one night covered.

Jeremy, your old 240sx is done. I’ll show you pics when I take them.