Non-alcohol related things to do in winter????

I don’t know about anyone else but I seriously hate Buffalo during the winter. At night, like seriously what can you do??? It’s either drinking or bang some chick which would most likely envolve drinking. I hate staying in my house and me and my friends can’t think of anything to do. We just got done playing Wii for 5 hours, thats how bored we are.

Anyone know of any good spots around town that are open late, fun, and cheap? Don’t say Pool Hall, we know that one. Anything else?

/end rant

xbox 360. r6. xbox live /problem

  • go snowboarding (save up, go rent for a day then :tup: )

  • you’re complaining about banging some chick? wtf

  • go drift

  • throw an NYSPEED party/denny’s meet
    EDIT: b/c everyone else who’s online is prolly just as bored as you. c’mon, ck ‘Who’s Online’ then PM/ IM them pictures of your dick accompanied by an invite

  • invite HRK over for a bottle of wine covered in a bottle of crisco

  • read. seriously. i swear that people are illiterate these days

LoL naw i wasn’t complaining about bangin a chick, just saying when not with a girl what is there to do at night during winter.

I think I should start snowboarding, expensive to get started though.

I can’t read good. lol …but seriously, I can’t.


Well thats not very fun lol.

I guess the logical choice is move out of Buffalo. Hopefully soon.

fuck nion acholism i past out from playing halo… love 10.6 % brooloysn choclate stous… and lovet he Gf that gets tem free … sooooo beer distruinujtes

o believe me drunk sir, I do drink.

have more sex, in different positions. um or work out for the summer

Casino… umm… roam the malls … dunno

Get a job! Then save up for snowboarding shit. That’s what I’m doing this year. yow. Cause I’m going to go down that bunny hill gracefully.

Get a hobby. Seriously. There’s eleventy billion things to do that don’t involve warm sunny days.

Winter = Snowboarding, Drinking and Sex.

Extra points when you combine all three!

yea, winter here sucks. i’m always bored too and thats with school full time, and work full time. i like summer where i’m always busy

your complaining about sex

pics of fuck toy, so we can decide if shes worth complaining about





-Driving in the snow for fun

-Bang, Bang, Bang


-Be sweet like me and be at work right now!


-Go back to school and learn to read. :slight_smile:

EDIT: How could I forget the obvious, post on NYSpeed!!!

well if your bored or drinking and banging chicks,

why not stay sober and bang a dude…??

oh man, I don’t remember this!

Build a quinzhee.
(A quinzhee is a type of snow shelter made by making a pile of snow, waiting for it to settle together, then hollowing out the inside.)
It is better exercise than playing video games and more fun too imho.:stuck_out_tongue:
After building it, sleep in it.

Winter sports:

–Snow dorifto: see meets
–Workout : see the gym
–Snowboard: see your ass in pain because the first few times you are going to fall alot
–Ski: see dating guys because you are gay (jk to all the skiers out there)
–Fuck: see hot chick, but post hot chick for NYspeed approval
–Drink: see…self explanatory.

Other than fucking around in the snow, or partying the winter doesn’t really have a whole lot to offer. I use it as my time to build a good base for summer workouts because I eat such shit in the winter I gain proly 25-30 lbs of fat between October and March that I work my ass off all summer to lose it and then start process all over again every year.

Anywho, come to a meet thats what I started to do to cure my boredom and its fun.