noob sorta

hey whats up…alot of you probably know me…alot of you probably don’t…i was a member of the original pittspeed…and psr even before that about 7 years ago…damn time flys…previously avengkid…i’m now married and have 2 kids of my own and have been out of the car thing for a while but am trying to sell my old project to start work on a new one and get back in the game…



welcome isiah


did u marrie the girl form that one pic?



welcome back


welcome, I remember the name

i think i remember a picture of you… hahah

welcome back

i can’t even say the name carlisle without my wife being pissed…by the way i never got to thank hannibal for letting those get out…damn those drunken nights…hey but all i have to bring up is ol’ fat knapp…or darkstar or whatever you all know him as and ruby lol and it makes me feel a little better

ruby!!! hahahhahahahah

knapp is not so fat anymore, but i still call him fat knapp

:rofl: best pic ever. lol

me and jeremy shoulda brought sailor back earlier…


yuengling pints > us

Welcome back



welcome back

I :puke: in my mouth a little every time I think of that pic. :smiley:

Welcome back…