NOPI Nationals Convoy

Thanks to the booming success of last years convoy (…) to the NOPI Nationals - I’m going to once again make the offer open to anyone who wants to join Dustin (Hurricane) and myself to this years NOPI Nationals.

Dustin and I have a place to stay with a good friend (president of but might be willing to ditch that idea and split on a hotel room for a few days - If we split a good sized room 4 ways or so and just have a few people sleeping on a counch/floor (I’ve got no problem doing that) then it will be cheap. Getting around down south is really easy and also cheap since their gas prices there are practically half of what it is here.

Last year it cost me $250 which included paying half of the gas to get there in Dustins 240sx, the $40 NOPI ticket and breakfast/lunch/dinner every day that we were there (4 days, 3 nights I think)… and that was without holding back on food, etc. Georgia itself was a sight to see - the culture there is simple… everyone has a flashy car… Life there seems to revolve around cars – it’s really neat… especially considering there is no rust! There is people driving cars around literally half primered and just bare metal.

Anyhow, we’re going… we had a great time last time around and there is some really nice 240’s to check out also - some of the big boys from are there and we can meet up… a few 300+ rwhp daily drivers, etc. One is a KA putting down 340whp :slight_smile: Love those guys…

Anyway, reply here if you have questions I’ll try to keep on top of the thread when I can… The show is mid september but it was on my mind so I thought I would post about it.

The drive was 16 hours, basically once you cross the border in to MI it’s one road the ENTIRE drive… I-90 takes you right to where we want to go and starts right over the border in detroit. If anyone does decide to join us, it would be advisable that you bring along a companion of some sort in your car because the drive can get tiring… trust me.
LOTS of very nice looking ladies, hundreds of thousands attending, tens of thousands of cars… it’s rediculous… The largest sport compact show in the world.