NOPI Pittsburgh



yeah, it’s just like figure skating. except you’re moving at a high rate of speed sideways a couple feet away from walls and another car.

calm down, it’s a joke, and a good opportunity to use that pic.

me and a buddy of mine went, paid $20 for yesterday. walked in when the bikini contest was goin on…so that was some good timing! it was the first time i’ve seen a drifting competition in person so that was cool. there were a couple good show cars and the other 95% of them were ricer mods. and it was pretty sweet seein the Hulk out there and of course Brooke…mmm mmm good!

Anyone watch the jellow wrestling?

Everyone missed an osm weekend :smiley: if u didnt go … it was so much fun i was pretty much everywhere and in everything


i seen you up there dancin around in your skirt with the blonde girl in the yellow bikini…yeah i was out there watchin for awhile


Oh nice! If I wasn’t on vacation I would’ve probably made the trip even for the retarded $30 entrance fee. It would’ve been cool to see Hulk and Phil—good times! I have a buddy that works down at Calico Jacks he assured me the Hulkster threw back a good number of drinks

There was jello wrestling? How the fuck did I miss that?

thanks Nick for posting some pics of me… heres some more… ull all like these ones… yes all the rappers made me dance for them and throw out free stuff … it was fun specially the foam pit wen they all ripped off my shirt… yes there were titties to be seen hehe opps…
but here more

enjoy… oh btw u can see me in some of the pics on the main page under day one near the end

how did you do in the contest? you would have had my vote:bigthumb:

well the contest was unfortunately rigged… only the nopi chics placed so that way they wouldnt have to pay them… cus they already get paid … judges were hand picked from the crowd 2 mins before the contest… and wen they :“tallyed” them up (the votes) they made the certain girls win… and the same girls r at every nopi event and at every event “no outsider” girl ever wins… and first place… the strawberry blonde couldnt walk and had to be carried … how is that fair… but w.e i no i really did win and everyone told me that and said how great i was i was even taking pictures with random people cus they thought i was great and i had to sign shit haha go figure… but i had fun and the experience was awesome… watch for pittspeed models :smiley: cus we will stomp nopis ass…

but street heaters contacted me about modeling and being a go fast girl… umm i cant turn my back on pittspeed…

unfortunately that happens at a lot of events. Good luck at next event.

Not enough Jews on the panel I guess…

:bowrofl: what?

well played