NOPI Pittsburgh

I drove down there just to see what it was like. $30 for one day? No thanks. Seems kinda silly that you’re actually paying to have vendors try to market and sell things to you. That’s like paying someone to watch commercials. :slight_smile:

good thing i didnt go…

That kinda blows. Anyone know how Wagner did? Did he qualify for tomorrow?

wagner is better than 95% percent od those guys, he qual 2nd to a guy with a super charged ls1 in a 240, instant tire smoke, but that guy blow up the car so who knows

I agree $30 is a bit much…but then again I never watched a drift contest in person before, I thought it was pretty cool. Especially the guy with the Honda Element…that damn thing was fast…I can’t believe it doesn’t fall over. All in all…it was pretty good. They could have used more people, but that left more room to talk with the NOPI chicks…:naughty:

it was a good time… Wagner place 8th, in the top 8 he went up against number 1. Number 1 is an Enjuku sponsored car that just outpowered him. Wagner was right there with him the whole time.

I am editing the pictures then I will put them up. Expect to see them in the gallery later tonight

no shit there was signs blocking it from cheap asses like you… how else would they make money???

wagner definatly killed it today, even against enjuku but good event anyways

c’mon man you really thing $40 is a fair price for a 1 day event? Carlisle is the some price for the entire weekend and 20x the cars.

<~~Far from a cheap ass…asshole, but I won’t give my money to money hungry assosiations like that. Apparently I’m not the only one with these feelings hence the SHIT turnout.

I didn’t go for the exact same reason, 30 bucks is better spent elsewhere

I was in D.C. for the weekend. Missed it all. Kinda glad because I would have went both days, and also felt stupid afterwards for wasting money.

30 is just asking too much for a show in a parking lot

30 bucks would have been worth it for today. Definitely some good racing going on. The car show was pretty beat, I probably could have taken both cars and came home with trophies. NOPI does a good job with having alot to do at there shows. The crowed turnout was pretty good today too. Grandstands were filled, as well as all along the fence.

well i thought about the price… its really no different than any ther one day thing people pay to see, concerts, sporting events… i just dont think that its big enough to bring in the average joe at those prices. hardcore fans are gonna go no matter what, its all about gettin those customers who might spend their money elsewhere. had i know hogan was gonna be there i might have anted up. i probably wouldnt have watched much of that thou cause it dont fill my taste in cars.

I enjoyed it again Yea show was beat but had a few friends come home with awards so all in all im glad i went…

i had a good time, got a little sunburnned, took home a first place in the honda street class so all is good

i actually finished 7th overall. i had a lot of fun and didn’t hurt my car, always a good thing. it was good seeing everyone that came out to check it out.

Drifting was decent as for the car show preety beat…Only real good thing was the JDM chicks FTMFW!

Edit: Almost forgot. I got 3 preety sweet pictures, Phil Margera, jimmy the mouth of the south hart, and Hulk Hogan! haha

7th overall is damn good against guys that are “PRO” drivers man big props to you man .I saw you tearin it up on the first day.

In my eyes you did better then that man :bigthumb: your a hellova driver.