Since it’s only a matter of time…
Pics for pre-contest judging?
Since it’s only a matter of time…
Pics for pre-contest judging?
I’ll be down both Days I can’t wait…
NOPI in the Burgh Who would have thought…
For $30 bucks, you would be better to take $20 and spend it at Silky’s in the Rocks for a lap dance
i’ll be there saturday for qualifying and hopfully sunday for the main event.
theres 5 dollar coupons on myspace that you can print out but its still alot to go see some drifting. i might stop out saturday cause i leave for vacation on sunday. like to catch a little something before i leave.
best of luck to you man. hope you rip it up.
The Prices:
Weekend Spectator Pass - $45
To Put your car in it is $35 Base Price + What ever Category you enter
I think I’m going to go. Just something to do, and I’ve never been to one of those events before.
am i going? Nopi… if its in the parking lots just park in the general robinson street garage and watch from the roof.
I’l be there, sure prices are high, but I have spent way more on dumber shit.
could go after magarita mamas?
i would be game for that
i am game for that place any time…
see sig
anyone know the event schedule or the schedule period i cant find it anywhere
See link above for full schedule
I was going to go, until I saw the price.
VERY VERY sad performance in my opinion. It was 1 parking lot with fences all around and nopi signs so you couldn’t see through. No way was I going to pay to watch cars drift on an autocross size track and a car show with maybe 125 cars. The weather I’m sure didn’t help attendance either. After a while “Staff” members came to sweep everyone away from the fence from people sitting on the roof of their cars ect… They told us either pay in go in or we have to leave the lots. SEE YA!!!
If you are into drifting hardcore or competing it may have been worth it. Seen the Hogan family down there - can’t miss them.