Not surprised NY is one of the 2 states...

They are considering making it illegal to walk and use electronics, such as cell phones, mp3’s, etc…heard it on the news this morning so I had to google it to find out more about it.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Attention texting pedestrians and iPod-obsessed runners on the street: You may soon get unplugged. After targeting drivers who paid more attention to their phone calls and text messages than the road, lawmakers in Arkansas and New York are now looking to crack down on pedestrians equally distracted by their own electronic gadgets.
Lawmakers in both states have proposed restrictions on using cell phones and music players, such as iPods, by people running and walking on the street or sidewalk. The apparent message: Distracted pedestrians are dangerous.
“It’s not just distracted drivers. We focus a lot on distracted drivers, but we also need to focus on distracted walkers and joggers,” said Jonathan Adkins, a spokesman for the Governors Highway Safety Association, a nonprofit organization representing state highway safety offices.
The proposal in Arkansas would ban pedestrians from wearing headphones in both ears while on, parallel or adjacent to a street, road, intersection or highway. The measure also applies to runners and cyclists and would allow pedestrians to wear headphones in one ear.
“You might not get the full effect of the Boston Symphony Orchestra with one ear, but you at least will be aware of your surroundings,” said Sen. Jimmy Jeffress, a Democrat from Crossett who proposed the legislation.
Democratic State Sen. Carl Kruger in New York has been trying since 2007 to ban the use of cell phones, iPods and other gadgets by pedestrians in major cities while crossing the street. The proposal would ban the use of an electronic device while crossing the crosswalk in a city with a population of 1 million or more. Violators would face a $100 civil fine.

I don’t get it, I think if people want to be that stupid and cant pay attention while listening to music or using a cell phone aka multitasking then who cares and we can just consider it population control.


see ya civil liberties, this is just the tip of the iceberg

All the government’s gonna do is make more laws until its illegal to do anything except work and pay taxes.

^ So true :lol

Fucking libs

oh shit, here my new years resolution (a little late but fuck you im slow).

everytime they make a law i don’t like, I’m buying a new gun. I encourage everyone to do the same.


Do you have a warehouse because you are literally going to need to start an arsenal with all the douche canoe laws they try to enact here.

Elect liberals and watch the rights and self responsability continue to get regulated.

Wow , nazi Germany in the house with this one . Who cares if a few people get killed, tons of people in the world and its fun making new ones.

Good. I’ll be ready. :slight_smile: :thumbup

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jammer again.

All this because some dumb blond fell into a water fountain in a mall while texting.

What ever happened to accountability for ones actions? If you texting and walk into the path of a buss, to fucking bad.

So let me get this straight. You can listen to an ipod but only in one ear? What if your deaf in one ear, and have it in the other? Is that a free pass? lol

Is sooo fucking bad that a small group of dumb people get hurt by their own stupidity and we need laws to “safeguard” all of us now?

hold on this is for crossing the street only!?!

HAHAH how many people cross the street with their eyes closed jamming away to some music loud as can be?

Also if a person is deaf, are they not allowed to cross a street?

i’m trying this today.

close eyes + ipod jamming + cross street = sue errbody.

:rofl so true

better catch up to me wayno!

:rofl…Communist China is becoming a freer country than America.

I think you all would be surprised at a lot of the laws in this country. The difference is, whether they are enforced or not.

holy shit

Just saw this in the news, absolutely ridiculous… if you’re THAT fucking dumb, i hope a bus takes your dumb ass out. One less motherfucker breathing my air. If this passes…god help us.

is it because of that stupid broad who fell into water in a mall? and then fucking SUED for that? how did a judge not just burst out laughing at that shit? why is that even possible? its not like they left a goddamned fountain there because of neglegence. its not a water puddle, and even if there was a big “caution: fountain” sign, like the wet floor signs, she wouldnt see it anyway! I agree with Adam here. if youre so stupid and a bus turns you into a wet spot, you deserve it. watch where ur going or stop, do that shit then walk.