Not that I really care, but...

Didn’t this truck get sold on here?

Is this guy a NYspeeder? lol

This goes hand in hand with Bing’s penis thread…

Wasn’t that one of the Bueme family vehicles from OP?

Shouldn’t this be in the suburb thread? This excitement is too much for me.

Are city folk not allowed in off topic?

My apologies. Please delete thread.

      • Updated - - -

That’s what I was thinking. Can’t remember if its the same truck or just looks similar. Either way guy is apparently from NT that owns it.


I’m pretty sure he was just making a joke here…

The articles keep referencing a video but I can’t find a video :gotme:

@Onyx_Z32 It looks like FB took it down

huh? so was I. guess it didn’t really come through

lol I guess we all need to start to using our sarcasm font!

Everyones so sensitive. Glad this cunt had the time to do this before her job…

I support this statement, it had nothing to do with her, was he in the wrong. yes. should she mind her own business. yes.

I am disappointed that he apologized… Never give in to the over sensitive PC crowd. I’m pretty sure everything was covered in snow that day. Easy mistake to make, especially when the signs are buried in snow as well.

I like when people say my truck is compensating for something I think it’s funny…

My dad’s disabled. I call people out all the time for parking in handicapped spots.

I get that there’s no signs in that lot, but especially this winter, he’s been complaining a lot about the handicapped spaces being blocked by snow, or people being parked in them (even when it’s clearly marked) makes it pretty tough on the people that actually need to use those spaces.

Don’t want people calling you out for parking in handicapped spaces? Don’t park in them.

If it was such a big deal, she should have just reported him for parking there. Sheesh. Get a life, lady.


While it boils my blood when I see lazy people parking in handicap spots, I think I hate clickbait shit like this about 100 times more. People need to get a goddamn life.

But seriously, it’s king douche vs queen mind your fucking business. The only good outcome of this video is if a meteor killed both of them.