Asshole in Grand Prix

Has anybody seen that fat ugly fucker driving around in Amherst in the Green Grand Prix with those pickup truck lights on top, similar to the ones below?

I was minding my own business while driving home and all of a sudden some fat ass, ugly as sin pulls cruises up next to me and starts laughing. I’m like whatever. I’m not speeding and going around people but he’s making an attempt at blocking me in by pacing other cars ahead of me. I finally start to pass him and his even uglier friend starts laughing. They fall behind. Then a couple blocks up, the fat asshole speeds up, gets ahead of me and then swerves into my lane and back into his. At this point I’m pissed and not thinking clearly. I let the clown make a turn and I disappear, I went to look for him to do something stupid but couldn’t find him thankfully. I wish now that I had some experience and just called him in. Ugh.

Did anybody else run into him? Seems like he was out cruising.

Edit * Reading ownz me

Shrug it off…people are just dumb and fat people are generally lame

You fucking racist. lmfao. That sucks, shoulde thrown a handfull of Jacks out of the window infront of his tires.



HAHAHA! Someone actually put those trucker lights on a Grand Prix? Wooooowwwwww.

He must’ve just graduated from his Grand Am JEEEEEEEE-TEEEEEEEE!

carrying a gun everywhere has solved most of my problems you should get one also

Now, if he wasn’t driving like an asshole…would you still call him 'fat" and “ugly” …or is this out of anger?


Nah, I am guessing fat and ugly is a proper description…
I did manage to get a picture of the driver and his friend.

I’ve seen a whole crew of them with those lights on their cars…they were on sheridan the other night and i was like…wtf is this world coming to??

i seen him today pulling out of walmart :tup: to a sweet whip!

HAHAHAHAHAHA @ minglor with all the funny picture posts lately.

i wouldda thrown pennies at his car for being a douche. or called the plate in for wreckless driving.

Sweet whip yo!