not to sure about this one...,1558,2042584,00.asp?kc=ETRSS02129TX1K0000532

i bet its gross

That’s it. Next year I’m opening a goddam cup-o-Crisco stand at the Erie County Fair. It’s not going to come with a spoon, it’s going to come with a needle so you can cut to the chase and inject it directly into your arteries. Fuck this beat around the bush lets see what we can fry next bullshit.

Thats disgusting, I thought it was impossible to make coke worse. Down in texas they call every softdrink “coke” like if you wanted a you would ask for a coke they say what flavor. Then you punch them in the face cause texas is stupid.

lol@ diet version


stupid hicks


i laughed about that when i read it for atleast 5 mins.


fried diet Coke.

In before fatty sues. :slight_smile: