Nothin like a little pre-interview Pittspeed

1/2 hour to go. Gotta take the edge off. Wish me luck!

you can dooooo eeet

I’ve always had the best luck with the, “You’d be lucky to have me, what have you got to offer” mentality. Works with the chicks too.

Good Luck

good luck
where and what is the position?

goood luck!!

Me too. I tell them that as much as they’re interviewing me, I’m interviewing them to see if I think they’re a decent company that’s worth my time and effort. Then throw in a few questions about growth, direction, oppurtunity, etc. It’s worked very well, although looking around from where I’m typing…perhaps it didn’t work as well as I thought. Got the job, anyway, never mind it’s a shithole…

haha thanks yos. I think I should lay off the Mt Dew at 7am though, I was spazzing out right before but it went very well I thought.

on the North side, basically a backup operator…hopefully not for long once I get in there and step it up

good luck man