Now if you fail like this...

Then… you fucking fail

wow, strong lack of intelligence




yeah saw this like 5 months ago.

so I’m gunna go ahead and throw out an OLD

jesus christ… i guess this dude hadnt heard of electricity yet… they are a couple years behind over there arent they?

OLD, not so shocking anymore…

Hella old school. I do love how everyone runs and nobody stays around to do anything, like place a call into the right people to take care of the body.

Not impressed, you didnt even put any effort into that one. lol

no sound gay …

i guess you can say that the train will be grounded until further notice

Anyone like curry?

It saddens me that I can watch this and not feel sick to my stomach. I’ve seen to much fucked up shit on the internet.

Holy shit. His hair was on fire afterwards.

wow, he was smoking too

got damn son, that guy got friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied


crazy how like the line explodes when he touches it and then a second later his entire body blows up at once…

talk about… GROUNDED!!!