now im cookin

i won a raffle of my snap-on dealer’s truck. this is what i got. pretty pimp bbq grill if i may say so.

ha that is awesome

Thats a badass grill sailor. Is it only gonna see veggie burgers still?


Sweet grill


Sweet. I heard those headers add 1,000 BTU/hr.

Sweet! that’s pretty c0ol

That’s awesome. I would love to find one of those

thats sweet ! !

Killer Sails. BTW you get my text…I found a b18b for you

you dont eat meat, so ill give you a 100 for it today


good stuff sailor

BOOM! Congrats mang

fuck that give me some tools

nice. too bad it won’t see red meat.

shit, i have it over the garage. we cook dinner on it, and the grocery store is like 1/4 mile away. so stock the fridge w/ drinks and food. we need the horse shoe pit built and the new garage will be pimped out!

the grille is not too bad. it is propane. the propane bottle sits in what looks like a side box on the back of the engine stand. i see on the web they sell for 400 bucks. if i were to buy a grille for straight up cooking, id pass on this in favor of something else. 400 bucks will buy alot of grill. yet if you want somehting neat, then yeah, i would recomend it.

fit and finish–im on the fence about it. paint is nice. however i question the strength and durability of it of everything aside from the actual “fire box” cooking area. worse case scenerio, i use a real engine stand and mount the box on it.

that’s a nice ass grill…congrats!

That’s sweet. Is it possible to fill a nitrous bottle with propane? That would be cool.

then it would be a propane bottle