NTSB recommands ban on driver use of cell phones and other portable electronic device


I’m one of those people who frequently texts or emails while driving and have yet to get into any accidents due to being distracted. However, I think you can look at this proposed cellphone law in a similar light to the DWI law in NYS and across the country. People used to drink and drive constantly back in the 60’s and 70’s and it wasn’t inforced and was considered somewhat of a socially acceptable thing to do. Nowadays, people still drink and drive for whatever reasons that might be, and although the number of people D&D has gone down over the years it’s something that you absolutely cannot eliminate no matter how much you threaten people with fines, tickets, jail time, etc.

Same thing with this law with cellphones they’re proposing to enact. I think you’ll see people being more cognizant of using cell phones while driving due to the fact of getting a hefty fine or points on your license (not sure if that’s something that could potentially be done), but do I think it’s something that will be completely eliminated? Absolutely not.

I had read another article that they had proposed designing some sort of software that would synch your cellphone with your car when you were driving which would ultimately freeze your phone up, not allowing you to use it unless in the case of emergency while driving. Experts have stated that this software is years away from being developed and tested.