NY SPEED Madden 07 360 Online League?

What do you guys think we can do how ever many teams we can get one game a week gimmie some ideas or if you guys are even down lemme know ill set up a website do all the record keeping etc obviously it would be free. Also if anyone is interested the other online league i am in has several spots still open so lemme know about both

im down for both leagues let me kno…gamertag is a frank45

alright here is the league im in now preseason starts tonight but still have team avalable obviously http://www.leaguenow.com/leagues/mbview.asp?lid=884 you have to sign up for the website then the league id is 884 and the pw is madden the league comissh would want to talk to you just to see what team and such his aim is NJobes19 his email is on site i dunno it off hand if you dont have aim. if you join let me know

As far as the nyspeed league if we get at least 10 people ill make the league website

God damnit…unfortunately I’m a PS2er…otherwise I’d definitely be in.


ok lets do this list the team that you would like and i will start compiling a list and make the site right away list your top three teams that you would like to be.





Lets start an PS2 Madden 07 leauge.


He said top 3 ASS!!!

alright we still need 5 people to even make this worth while tell your friend nyspeed or not