NY State Adds Points For Drivers Caught Using Cell Phones

+1 and 1

along with reading the newpaper, futs-ing with your GPS, eating your third bigmac, putting on your makeup, etc.

when someone calls me during a drive and it may be important, I pull the fuck over and answer. plain and simple. people just need to fucking drive. you DO NOT need to be on the phone while driving, you DO need to be paying the fuck attention to what’s going on around you. 99% of the fucks on the road can’t manage that on their own, throwing a distraction in their hands doesn’t aid the cause any. there’s already enough bullshit distraction in the modern automobile to keep one person going for hours.

I swear if anyone here ever hit and injured my wife and/or daughter while screwing around with your damn phone behind the wheel of a car, there isn’t enough military power in the fucking world that would keep me from finding and skinning you alive on public television and stuffing your shit filled entrails down you’re throat.

I’m glad this law is around and anyone caught deserves it plain and simple. I’m out.