NY State Adds Points For Drivers Caught Using Cell Phones

Maybe so, but the cell phone didnt distract him and cause him to say “ohhh shiiiiiit. WAAAAM” and hit you.

“Listen bitch I told you a thousand times…” Cranks the wheel to the left because he doesn’t want to stop behind a car, “I will get you the money when I can…” Cranks the wheel back to the right thinking he can get a few extra cars ahead to gain 10 feet while sitting at a red light… WAM blasts your truck!

Guy in bold can get a ticket. By yielding someone into traffic assumes the risk of the situation. NEVER I dont care how nice you think you are, let someone out of a drive into traffic by waiving them on.

My brother found that out the hard way. We did the SAME thing you did, went to pull out of a parking lot 15 feet from a red light where its 2 lanes north bound center lane and 2 lanes south bound. North was stopped for a light, most of the cars in the left lane and noone in the right stopped at the light. guy gave my brother room, waived him on, nothing was coming south bound (where we wanted to go) and nothing was coming north in the empty lane, UNTIL some impatient asshole said fuck this long line and booted it around the line of traffic he was in, in the left lane and gunned it towards the right lane… taking out our front end.

Guy that let us out would have gotten ticketed. A off duty fire guy saw the entire thing and pulled over to be a witness. the guy that waived us on pulled over too, and the fire guy said he should take off because he would get a ticket. the guy that hit us didnt have insurance, went to court, the while 9 yards.

Valid point. Young kids crash all the time because they done have seat time to know how to react to things. I can see how putting a phone in their hands would make it worse, especially when they ave 10K texts a month. But so would not knowing how to modulate the brakes, steer, adjust speed for conditions, understand how a car works and reacts, how big their car is!.. basic shit.