NYSpeed 2007 EoY Awards


12) Class president:



[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:39,topic:40009"”]

Since this is a car forum… we should add these:

Fastest Car at the Track '07: Choda

Fastest Car in the Street '07: not enough races to see

Best Looking Car '07: way to many to choose

Biggest Heap '07: sherm

Followed Through with Goals '07: Choda

Will Never Reach Goals '07: sherm

Biggest Wannabe '07: sherm

Biggest Shit Talker (who can back it up with car) '07: ive been out of the loop to long to see

Least Ability to Backup Mouth '07: sherm, but he knows all the fast cars

Most Improved '07: no times to go by

Who Will pwn '08: not Choko, i wont let him. =]

Biggest Breakout '07: Ricer


I added some to the quote