NYSpeed 2007 EoY Awards

I’m rather new but these two are absolutely right

  1. Biggest Post Whore: Newman

  2. Biggest Internet Tough Guy: Muscle50 (you know its true and you love it)


my answer for that question is the right one. that girl has been w/ like 10 board members.



nooooooooooo she hasnt…


  1. Poster You Wish Would Be Banned (It may happen ): anyone that “Knows MPD”





worst avatar of '07.

Woohoo I’m not # 5 or 6 lol.


  1. Best Technical Poster (automotive related): garry gnu

  2. Most Useless Poster: skunkape

  3. Poster You Wish Would Be Banned (It may happen ): articzap / fuzzyfish / 90NA300ZX / skurge / anyone that “Knows MPD”

  4. Biggest Online Dickhead But Dickhead In Person: zong

  5. Biggest Internet Tough Guy: jespo


Thank you!





worst avatar of '07.


It’s a joke from another site where I’m banned and I had no idea it was going to get used here. Sooo I’d almost have to agree.

34.5) Most likely to lick your ass if you asked? Chino

  1. Most likely to own a pet that hates peanut butter? Geoff

e c LIPS eb l ur (6:36:48 PM): most likely to give me huge boners every time i see him - ilcisdead

ILCisDEAD (6:42:13 PM): most likely to have a hot body and ask you about it - Zong


I’m going to go out on a limb and say every girl on NYSpeed has slept with some/multiple guy/s on NYSpeed. That, you can take to the bank.


stupidest post ever. you dont know shit. just cuz a girl is into cars doesnt mean she is a whore. yes i took offense and no im not an internet tough guy. id call you out on this anytime. leave these comments to yourself.

go fuck yourself


stupidest post ever. you dont know shit. just cuz a girl is into cars doesnt mean she is a whore. yes i took offense and no im not an internet tough guy. id call you out on this anytime. leave these comments to yourself.

go fuck yourself


Why are you so defensive?

yeah really Rob…simmer down. Noone is talking about your gf cuz she is on the board but factually speaking the majority of the girls on here have hooked up with multiple members.


stupidest post ever. you dont know shit. just cuz a girl is into cars doesnt mean she is a whore. yes i took offense and no im not an internet tough guy. id call you out on this anytime. leave these comments to yourself.

go fuck yourself


So what Nyspeed whore did you try to date and broke your fragile little heart


Woohoo I’m not # 5 or 6 lol.


anything you can do, he can do better


So what Nyspeed whore did you try to date and broke your fragile little heart


I was going to say that but…I was trying to finish 2007 on a nicer note…


my fiancee is on the board and many people will say she is not a fucking nyspeed whore. if things are going to be said then some peole need to be left out thats all im saying. i didnt mean to get that pissed off but she should feel just as welcome as a guy on the board. its a shame because she knows more than alot of guys on here and they would fucking dream of being with a girl like her.

So how many guys who are on this board has she slept with?

ur fucking stupid. im gonna start posting all the bullshit whiny fuckin conversations that people have with her on pms and IM. while in the meantime they shit talk girls on the board. alot of people talk and cry about life to her and she deals with alot of peoples bs. meanwhile shes not a whore and people are begging to be with her. its fucking pathetic.

Post away, this should be entertaining.