NySPEED BBQ Pre-Meet @ my house

Passenger seat is all yours, if you need it :tup:

if the quest is not ready(its not going to be) im filling it up.So count me in with you for a ride

How far is Batavia from Letchworth?

soooo what get here! i dont matter if ya know me…just come up to me tell me your board name and i might give yoiu a hug :slight_smile:

brian can be very friendly… so watch out :lol:

30 mins?

Alright I will be there.

please don’t hug me…:smiley:

I need at least 30 secs of knowing someone before they can hug me

Passenger seat is all yours, if you need it :tup:[/QUOTE]
If my car is not done… wanna be a taxi? I can pay for your parking.

^^ if you need it i can give a ride to 1 person

i’ll be there, brian and i will be cruising and probably taking vid!

wish I could be there, but i’ll be at work. Hay twizted eat for both of us

Don’t worry. He’s one of the nicest people on here. However, if you drive all the way down Ransom road…well, there is nothing there. I tried.

I might be there after all :tup:

eh, is there anyone on two wheels goin to this? i dont feel like taking the beater

i might take the bike if i can make it, i will let you know fo sho by like friday

If I go Ill want to drink…If I do I cant drive home. Any extra seats in your car still?

ill make a cpl phone call to some bike friends and see what they say.

u should make a post on wnysportrider and then see how many bikes we can get. Im shure those guys are down for a scenic cruise out there

.find a ride and shoot video or just drive myself…

bring walkie talkies incase ppl get losttt and a map


I remember that.


bri… not sure what time u guys are leaving, but my flight gets in around 2:30 then i gotta grab my shit at the rents house… so i’ll call you to see if you left yet. i might be able to meet up with u guys