NYSpeed chat!

Isn’t it amazing how stickies kill everything. :tup:

there is a party in the chat

everyone go now

Im in…Me llamo Gay-estorvito


cause i am boredddddddd as hell at work

i’m on AIM express :frowning: i can’t get in it. i’m sad. and bored!
GREAT! ruined my day skunk!

hahahah sorryyyy

why can’t u get in it?

aim express doesn’t support all the cool stuff. i’m not using my orignial computer today at work… so i have to deal with not having everything :frowning:

what happens when u clicked on the gabby chat link?



total sausage fest.

i are retarded. it keeps telling me to refresh my browser because im disconnected :frowning:

^^^^ me too

this chat is a rockin

Dos has entered. life is complete.

we were all having group cyber…

it was hotTt.

everyone still naked?

it was hawt :slight_smile:


oatmeal and nude

i just got outta class, chillin at the comptuer lab, before i go to work and sit in front of a computer for 3 hours

lets gabbly!!!

i’ll be back in the chat soooon!!!