NYSpeed Dippers

i think drinking and dipping are equally gross.

to each his own.

smoking > dipping

WITHOUT question


some1 smoking can kill me with second hand smoke AND ill smell like shit for a while just cuz i was standing next to them. You can dip right next to me and i get no negative effects.

x1,000,000,000,000+ i don’t smoke, and i don’t care if other people do. but, i do however do not like smoke, and i hate smelling like it too. atleast when i dip, i’m not slowly fucking killing other people.

It’s a disgusting habit, either way you look at it. I’ll never understand, that even though people know whats going to happen to them, they do it anyway. Do people think " nah, it won’t happen to me??" Cause it will.

Good. Read this carefully. This is how you make a counter-point.

i never tried the stuff lol knew a couple kids who did it though

so is smoking, what’s your point?? the more people continue to bitch how disgusting it is and what the side effects are i’m just goin to continue to fucking laugh.

you think smoking is so much better? you’re dumb if you do. OMG LIKE SO IF I INHALE THIS I WON’T GET LUNG CANCER?!?!?! teehee. shut the fuck up already, everyone knows what each can do to them, this is a thread to see who does it, what they prefer, and so on. not to bitch about the already known side effects.

Whoa… I never said Smoking is good. When I said it was disgusting, I meant BOTH habits. Sorry for not being clear. And for the record, I’ve never smoked a single thing in my life. Nor chewed for that matter. Having said that, I’ll let you go on with your cancerous thread.


Ithink both are disgusting, even though i am a smoker(i quit but was weak and am attempting again)

nicorette gum :tup: if you really need a nicotene(sp?) buzz

mhmmm skoal mint :wink:

I only smoke. tried the dip, didnt like it


mhmmm skoal mint :wink:


Nice…I got a citrus in right now. Of course you already knew that.

