Time to buy a 4 door civic and charge you ho’s 25 a person per night to DD you from bar to bar, and back home without dieing or getting dwis, oh the perks of not drinking
With deals like that Wellington Pub may be home to my new corporate headquarters.
someone just text me when and where. Thanks.
Monday at wellington?
i fucking love wellington. And I’m 2 blocks away.
I’m married, but didn’t drink before that either…
Wellington it is. First meeting of the NYSpeed Drinking club commences on Monday @ 6-7pm!
I’ll be there 8-8:30 ish
I’ll try to shoot up to Wellingtons…
8:30 seems like a good time. I guess we will see how many responses we get on here of who is going.
<— in
<-- in if there is people going
I prefer hole in wall bars in South Buffalo.
Buffalo’s Finest? lol
I’m in on Wellington for a few drinks if we get some people (I’m on Carmel off Hertel)
I’ll be there regardless…
Sounds like me, prog and boxxa might be probables.
Now there’s a goddamned drinking dream team if I’ve ever heard of one.
Out, I’m still in Raleigh. I might never come home…
My meeting is going to tie me up until late tonight I think. I will stop by if I make it out in time. If not, I am open to new ideas of places and times for this club to start.
I’m usually good until the monday night game has concluded.
Don’t be a bitch.
But yes… We’ve only covered Monday night…
Geckos’ during sabres games does 5 24oz Blue Lights for $15. Thats 120oz of beer versus their 5 12oz bottles for $12, at 70oz. Ummmm deal?