You’re the new Josh with no new content, new pics or stfu.
:banghead: I know. Im just not impressed with any of my photos. This event in particular I only got to explore a few locations with just a few cars, and personally the gree tree hugger backdrop didn’t contrast too well with the muscle cars we where shooting, good time overall, but no super quality photos came from it IMO. Dunnville this week though, action shots FTW
man, even dan hagen went. i totally forgot about this
damn im pissed i missed this…
meh…looked like a decent time, was expecting more cars/people, but i’m sure there’ll be more bigger ones in the future. I ended up partying way too hard in Allegheny all weekend and had no chance in hell of making this.
Glad I happen to be sitting on the ground looking like a fucking retard when the cameras came out.
that was the idea
Pulled off well for sure.
Haha, nice shot of my Esprit with the lower front lip showing all broken, haha.
Nice pic regardless. We should be able to fix that pretty easily…
did any of the “stage” shots come out?
thanks for getting that rolling pic of the white 240, my new favorite pic of the car haha :tup:
Nice pics so far guys :tup:
I have a lot of good video, all I need is a good track to edit to… so I’ll prob end up editing / making my own.
FYI, rolling shots require a slower shutter speeds so the wheels look like theyre MOVING. otherwise, it looks like the cars are parked on the road.
That’s why they call it a PARKWAY, duhhhhh
I’ll post one so you can see, but they where not great.
I risked my safety for that!