NYSpeed Spring gtg Pic Thread

LOL I know. You be the judge then, that car though on the tree filled state park backdrop just doesn’t contrast too well if ya ask me.


Wider shot with the bridge and the water pls.

70-300 FTL

Hmmm I do have a wider one though, completely raw, but you get the point. I think that stage was a the wrong angle to grab the bridge in the backdrop, Its all the side of that mountain. Fail.


We need a chopper…

That would be awesome. Is it in the budget ?

newman’s car must be super hard to get a proper exposure on with so much black and white.

Not yet, but the possibilities have been explored :slight_smile:

wait, how did you get the car up there, was their a ramp i missed, i only saw stairs when i went to that stage, from what i remember.

you guys should set up another meet for lewiston, talk to the guy that does the helicopter flights over the falls and get him to fly over all the cars, getting some shots that way!

There was a ramp that was about 4" wider than my car. lol.

Ian, can you email me some hi res versions of that pic?


Its a fucking nightmare. Then put it on a green backdrop that is the complete opposite it sux, thats what i mean when I say contrasting

Which one sir ?

the wide one. and the rear shot on the gravel driveway would be cool…

JCuz :wave:


OK I’ll just give you the original flickr link in which you can DL the original size, because some of them where panoramas and are like 20 MB, I am pretty sure i cant attach that big of a file in an email.




Not a problem Im not really feeling them, but if you enjoy thats all that matters :slight_smile:

i hate the front of that 350z.