O tonight 11/23


i dont know exactly where im going, dont feel like goin to O

dont really feel like goin DT, not so much because of monetary reasons, but b/c the places are beyond capacity

you never end up smushed next to a dozen chicks, usually weiner :tdown:

I want to go somewhere.

Lets have a grand picnic!

Lancaster Reppin Yooooooooooo

Ya no O’ for me tonight…staying local GBP/Desi’s

have fun and be safe everyone

Desidario’s is right behind where I live… crazy drunk people walking all over Bowen begging to get ran over. It’s great :lol:

:word: That would be me :tup:

Im gonna try to shoot over to lancaster after my work party…

Werd :tup:

Anyone else out around lancaster… me, twizted, GaymulaLS1 will probably be up at Desiderio’s all night. Come on out and get omg so wasted on the patio and slip around and fall everywhere :tup:

I’d go to O but my ex GF or her dumb shit friends might be at Desiderios so I want no drama. Her brother used to bounce there. Dunno if he still does. He’s still sore I punched him in the face like 4 years ago. Not a good all around situation for me.

is desiderios on transit by that burger king / blockbuster etc? oh i think thats… RAZZberries

i thought desiderios was DT behind skybar, ohh maybe thats rt 69 :bloated:

Its on Broadway … on the right going Towards Alden… corner of Broadway and Bowen…

sorry guys…everyone is switching their plans so no O tonight…downtown it is :slight_smile:

I am gonna wait for the impending snow, if it comes, I will be out sliding :slight_smile: F going out because its the cool thing to do


and where the eff is this desidarios place?

Is this the place right next to the stoplight across from the gas station that I am thinking of? I’ll probably stop by at 11 seeing as it’s like a minute away.

Besides showing up hungover for thanksgiving dinner tomarrow would be :pimp:

Devin, yeah. Its at the corner of Bowen and Broadway, across from the Wilson Farms Gas Station ish.

Thought that was the place. You bringing that pimp-ass pink blazer of yours?

Its Raspberry Metallic bro. And I dunno, last weekend kind of owned my face to the max. Plus I drive the 92 2500 Series, the Blazer is my moms. I’m too lazy to move cars around sir :tup:

Pink :gay:

So does that mean you are heading out too?

Possiblyyyyyyyy. Give me a call when you get out :tup:

Myself and ninja are still going to O so if any of you Baggot ass fitches change your minds you can go to hell.
