:lol: I knew there had to be a reason why our disagreements didn’t descend into “no you’re dumb!” “No you’re dumber!”
Anyone else remember that this thread is about Obama closing the internet? :mamoru:
:lol: I knew there had to be a reason why our disagreements didn’t descend into “no you’re dumb!” “No you’re dumber!”
Anyone else remember that this thread is about Obama closing the internet? :mamoru:
:word: It’s a soft science at best anyway, so put it on an internet forum and different ways of viewing and interpreting economics goes from valuable to trash faster than a new Chrysler driving off the lot.
epic lulz
Last several posts all made me laugh.
There are too many people in production to fill these rolls that you say they can. My argument is that these positions are not drains on the economy. If the UAW can be a bit more realistic then you wouldn’t see as many problems. Also if the Big Three were to have made a quality product they wouldn’t have had as many problems either. There are over 300 million Americans, they can’t all be doctors or construction workers. You need to have a solid manufacturing sector and take away some of the incentives that make the cheap labor so lucrative.
yeah the ones who are successful lmfao.
for someone so educated you are fairly ignorant.
Oh BTW, if the economy does completely tank and we go into a depression…guess who is going to have a job and who isnt people need water.
Wrong. Successful people understand an aspect of the economy, usually. Bill Gates is not an economist. He’s a software developer and businessman. Businessmen understand how to make money. Economists understand how large amounts of money interact with individuals, groups, businesses, and political entities. While some successful businessmen may have an advantage in understanding economics, it’s almost never the self-made, uneducated, Joe who is successful. Those who are successful in the large scale are usually well-educated, often Doctors in Economics, Law, or Business.
Richest people in the world:
1 - Warren Buffett - Columbia - Business
2 - Carlos Slim Helu - U.N.A.M. - Engineering
3 - Bill Gates - Harvard - Software
4 - Lakshmi Mittal - St. Xavier College - Commerce
5 - Mukesh Ambani - Abaay Morischa School - Chemical Engineering // Stanford University - MBA
6 - Anil Ambani - Bombay - BA/BS // UPa - MBA
7 - Rinat Akhmetov - Donetsk University - Economics
8 - Ingvar Kamprad - Finally, a self made man! - Founder of IKEA
9 - Kushal Pal Singh - Another!
10 - Oleg Deripaska - Moscow State University - Physics // Plekhanov Academy of Economics
11 - Karl Albrecht - Self-made
12 - Li Ka-shing - Self-made
13 - Sheldon Adelson - City College of New York
14 - Bernard Arnault - Ecole Polytechnique - Engineering
15 - Larry Ellison - University of Illinois, University of Chicago
16 - Roman Abramovich - Moscow State Law Academy
17 - Theo Albrech - Self-made
18 - Liliane Bettencourt - Inherited L’Oreal from her father, Eugene Schueller, a chemist.
19 - Alexei Mordashov - Leningrad Engineering-Economical Institute - Economics // Northumbria University - MBA
20 - Al-Waleed bin Talal - Menlo College - Business Administration // Syracuse University - Social Science // Also, Saudi Royalty
Well, 2 (at the bottom) of the top ten are self-made! The others are highly EDUCATED, including 2 with graduate Economics degrees, 2 MBAs, a Commerce and a Business.
As far as education being able to “make up for experience,” education IS a type of experience, one of the best, as it prepares you for a vast array of paths.
I completely understand where you are coming from and agree to a point. People at manufacturing jobs are grossly overpaid for what they do. The problem is, that while they are overpaid, while we retain these jobs in the US, these people are going out and spending their money, which supports the economy and keeps it going. When companies go elsewhere, now you have more and more people without jobs, nobody is spending a dime, and it starts a downword spiral for the economy.
So its the poor people that understand the economy? :gotme: I was being sarcastic noob. chill.
dude you dont even have a job without the depression
I’m perfectly aware of that. I never said I think those jobs should dry up and go away, and leave us with unemployed. We need to stop acting as if any jobs getting up and leaving is a bad thing, and look at maximizing our efficiency, productivity, and work at bringing in jobs whose value can support the wages our workers expect.
E: I didn’t know you were joking. Thought you were trying to argue that education is no substitute for experience (it’s not, but they’re not mutually exclusive, like uneducated, experienced people like Cavi Mike would have you believe - I’ll take the person with both, thank you).
Dude warn me when you post shit like that. Half the class thinks I’m choking right now.
its all good I was just being a dick. Education is VERY important as is experience. It doesnt matter how educated you are if you have no actual experience, you will suck untill you get some. They go hand in hand.
good thread would read again A+++++.
:biglol: touche
lol I can’t help but like Jeg…
Hey I got no problem laughing when something is funny, even if it is directed at me. I take it all in stride. Besides…that was really fucking funny lol.