Obama indoctrination?


this is such a big deal because Obama has mentioned a while ago “a national service force” and bills like this are being signed already:

a $5.7 billion welfare program masquerading as a national service bill that will supplement already-existing subsidies for government housing and education programs…

And in a past speach : In his speech on national service Wednesday at the University of Colorado, Obama promised that as president he would “set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year.”

PLUS then on top of that he “wants children to describe how they can help president barack obama”. (obviously that has changed now)

Some people want to say what he is doing is progressive, but looking at the whole picture can tell otherwise and its not going towards freedom.

Yeah you know who else talked to children on television? Genghis Khan. :eyebrow:

Jenny Jones

i just read the whole thing. nothing offensive to me, just an inspirational speech

honestly, the right seems to just make shit up / exaggerate / cause all kinds of rawkus more often than doing something constructive and helpful

i have it in my pocket, i read the whole thing and ripped it out of the paper to give my mom bc she was freaking out about it.

its on like page A26 of todays usa today, right after the weather

EDIT: link- http://www.whitehouse.gov/MediaResources/PreparedSchoolRemarks/

honestly, TRY to find something offensive in there. if you pull the harry potter omg obama is an atheist thing or the OMG HE KEEPS TALKING ABOUT HOW KIDS SHOULD DO GOOD IN SCHOOL FOR THEIR COUNTRY OMG HES A FUCKING SOCIALIST i’ll ban you. idk, i’ll find a way

the link is broken, and you havent sited any sources other than yourself

george bush kills and eats jewish babies in his free time. i said it, it must be true

and then the conservatives were all like:

Are we really that divided now that asking kids how they can help the President of their country is controversial? I mean shit, I would have loved that question when I was in school about Bush. I would have helped him by showing him all of the stuff he was wrong on.

On Wednesday evening however, the administration edited part of the pre-k-6 lesson plans after public outcry about enlisting children’s participation in political activities. The original lesson plan asked children to “write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president.” It has since been changed to say “Write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals.”

The lesson plan for students in grades 7-12 is equally disquieting. The Department of Education directs teachers to “…focus students on quotations that… propose a specific challenge to them.” The plan asks students, “What resonated with you from President Obama’s speech? What lines/phrases do you remember? Is he challenging you to do anything?”

you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. it was written for children k-6. really?

Asking young children how they can help him implies what he’s doing is right.

And the logic in this thread is so flawed it’s giving me a headache just trying to figures out how some of your minds work. Jams posts for example. “I just read the revised speech and there is nothing political about you. You conservatives suck”.

And why do you think the speech and lesson plans were revised? Oh yeah, because people stood up and said this isn’t right. You can’t have it both ways. Either say the uproar is just partisan bullshit and move forward as planned or revise it like they have and admit version 1 was a mistake. Don’t sit there with your revised speech and lesson plans and in the same breath tell us nothing was wrong and it’s all the right wing conspiracy that got people upset.

edit: n/m, I didn’t actually read the lesson plans

jesus christ. jays, do your retirement plans include living in the villages? i think you would fit right in. check it out, they would love you, you’d be surrounded by similar right wing wackos. treat yourself - http://www.thevillages.com/

did you actually read the speech? the lesson plans were written for children FUCK hes the president they SHOULD look up to him

So if you make a change it means the old version has to have been wrong? Or the new version is simply less prone to being interpreted wrongly? You can say, “that wasn’t our intent, we didn’t think you’d interpret it that way, we’ll change it to something else to avoid your misinterpretations”?

It’s the same thing as one of our databases, that was always called “Finance Operations Guide,” and there was never a problem. Some shmuck mistakenly gave ownership of it to the Operations department and insisted he was right afterward, because it had the word in there, so now after we got it back we still said he was an idiot, but changed the name to Finance Procedures Guide. Sometimes it’s easier to change something small, even when you’re not in the wrong, then listen to someone else bitch about it.

And I still think children should be taught to want to help the President, regardless of political persuasion. As Americans, there’s enough non-controversial stuff we should all be together on that it shouldn’t be an issue. “I can help the President by learning the pledge and national anthem. I can help the President by turning off the lights and TV when I’m not using them. I can help the President by shoving a scud missile up Bin Laden’s ass if I ever come across him. I can help the President by saying there, they’re, and their correctly.” Shit like that.

Sometimes it’s easier to change something, even when you’re not in the wrong, then listen to someone else bitch.


I think some of us would have done well to have been taught to help the president when we were younger…

They should have done one for high school girls when Clinton was in office. “How can you help the president?” :suckoff: :angryhump: