Obama indoctrination?

Wow our country is fucked if the President of the US can’t even give an address to the kids of this country about staying in school without politics getting in the way.


wtf? lol.

Wasn’t the speech just encouraging them to stay in school and study hard?

The speech is fine. It’s the suggested lesson plans after the speech that cross the line.

Bush 41 did this back-in-the-day too, and the left had a fit. Our country isn’t “fucked,” it’s working the way it was designed; to allow people with opposing views of the leadership to be able to express those views.

Most people don’t have a problem with the speech, but the lesson plan / worksheet that came with it. but I can’t seem to find a copy on the web to read for myself. Can anyone find it?

There would be just as much outcry from the left if G W Bush did this. I don’t mind a prez message to the students but then again I still believe people are smart enough to make their own decisions and choose their beliefs lol

I was just coming back to mention that Bush 1 did this in 91 and the left had a fit.

As a Republican I really don’t have a problem with the speech if Obama leaves polictics out of it and sticks to the message about working hard and staying in school.

What I have a big problem with are these suggested lessons about finding Obama speeches that inspired you and listing ways you can help the president. Of course there is no suggestion in these plans to discuss ways you don’t agree with the president.

I think its great the the Nations leader wants to talk to the future generations, but my impression after readng the lesson plans and suggested questions for the teachers to ask kids is that it was politicized and created as a “Pro-Obama” stunt. It was all about HIM and not just the presidency or the country.

This is another attempt to placate the people and make them blindly accept what the government says and does.

Smells like another fear-driven GOP circle jerk up in this bitch.


Since the White House has said the text of the speech will be available for 24 hours before he delivers it and since they altered the lesson plan language, why is this still a controversy? The ability of the conservative media machine to generate a controversy for this White House is amazing. In fact, this is an example of a story that percolates where it becomes harder and harder for some to claim there’s some knee-jerk liberal media bias. (Does anyone remember these kinds of controversies in the summer of 2001?) The ability of some conservatives to create media firestorms is still much greater than liberals these days.

^that would probably be because the liberals are agreeing and have their guy in the office? Not gonna rock the boat when your on it.

Reactions, from both sides, are a positive in my opinion, doesn’t let us stray to far one way or the other and keeps that balance in the middle where most of us are, not swinging from the nuts of the far left or the far right.

When Bush did it in '91 it was mainly stupid democrats in office doing what they can to downplay it. Here we have everyday people calling it a way for Obama to force his “socialist” agenda.

Give me a break.

I didn’t see anything that alarmed me too much in the article. I don’t have a problem with letters of recommendations to the president, don’t know what the big deal is there. I just see mostly fear mongering without many details. Does anyone have any more info?

IF? Our country was fucked awhile ago.

I support activities that spur some political insight/debate in students as long as the instructions do not favor a specific party and cannot be graded (biased teachers, etc.).

That way, in the future we can at least have informed idiots, instead of clueless idiots. Gotta take things one step at a time…

So by altering the speech and the lesson plans I guess the people who were upset had something legitimate to complain about.

Do you have a better source with the original “lesson plan”? I’m trying to see what the fuss is.

The comments on that article are ridiculous hahaha goes to show why America is so far behind the rest of the world in education

Yeah, it’s quite sad really.

I’m not saying I support this, but…

I fail to see to how this is a “pro-Obama” stunt if it’s asking children for THEIR opinion and suggestions.

The articles posted in this thread are the text versions of those whack job town hall meetings you see on TV; lots of hyped up emotion and few facts.

A typical GOP media stunt… aiming to get people riled up based on knee-jerk emotion and fear.

^ wouldn’t expect anyone with such a left leaning tint to see it any other way honestly.

It’s a dead issue to me. The uproar got the speech and lesson plans changed and the Messiah got knocked down yet another peg with all those independents that are quickly abandoning his ship.

Care to explain how students sharing THEIR opinions benefits Obama directly? I’m mostly checking to see if you actually think things through instead of just repeating crap like a parrot like most people.

BTW, I am a registered republican.

You sure? Your buddies on from the Heritage Foundation think differently;

Even with the changes that were made last night to the “lesson plan” after the criticism, its still the same lesson plan.

Even the new wording “Write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals” is not age appropriate for PRE-K and other grades.
You better hop back on your horse Mr. Revere, the day must be saved.

When did they become “my buddies at the heritage foundation”?

You wanted to see the lesson plans and like most from your generation with similar views you were too lazy to look it up yourself and needed to be spoon fed. I posted the first link I found.

I personally didn’t like the first lesson plans. If you want to ask children to look at Obama’s past speeches and look for inspiration you should balance that with requesting they look for thngs they don’t agree with. That way it’s a balanced non-partisan exercise, but I wouldn’t expect that to come from his camp. Hence, my opinion that team Obama should just give their non-political speech and skip the suggested lesson plan garbage.

Finally, are you so niave as to believe that partisan organizations wouldn’t use something like this for political gain? Don’t answer, it’s retorical. There were those in the far left that protested when George Bush senior gave a similar speech to children and of course there will be those on the far right that will never agree with this speech. It does not mean they represent the majority of either party. However, their involvement is critical as a check and balance. Without them I’m sure the original lesson plans should have been even worse.