School refuses Obama speech, but will bus kids to see Bush


I’m posting this for the irony and humor… My opinion is that schools should want to take up every opportunity that any president current or former extends to them.

School refuses Obama speech, but will bus kids to see Bush

A Texas school which refused to air President Barack Obama’s live classroom address is planning to bus students to see the president.

Did school officials reverse course after realizing Obama’s speech wasn’t political, as conservatives had claimed?

Nope. They’re sending fifth graders to see another president: former President George W. Bush, and his wife, Laura. Bush is speaking alongside several Dallas Cowboys players and prominent Texas business leaders.

“District officials said it’s part of a Cowboys Stadium field trip that the North Texas Super Bowl Host Committee invited 28 fifth-grade classes to attend several months ago,” a local NBC affiliate wrote Wednesday morning. “The event launches the Super Bowl committee’s largest-ever youth education program. Students must have their parents’ permission to attend, school officials said.”

Students who had permission slips from their parents were able to watch President Obama’s speech after being excused from classes.

At least one local church is up in arms.

“I do not understand the duplicity in this situation,” Dwight McKissic Sr., the senior pastor of Arlington’s Cornerstone Baptist Church said in a news release quoted by NBC. “I believe the students and the public deserve and need to have these differences explained.”

“The Arlington school district, like many in North Texas, decided not to broadcast the president’s speech live after some parents expressed concern about its content,” NBC noted. “The district said the recorded speech would be made available through its Web site.”

-John Byrne

my fiance works at a school, and permission slips were required, and it was too soon for them to get them to parents and back. they refused to show it also due to liability with all the controversy

Eww. Why do kids need permission slips to hear our president speak?

you obviously haven’t dealt with parents on a large scale… religious opinions, racial issues, parents can be absolutely insane when it comes to THEIR child. becuase every one is so “special”. we realize you’ve taken your child to every dr to have them diagnosed and medicated to find an excuse for them not to be an honor student… schools are too busy protecting themselves from students and parental law suits to care about teaching them anything anymore. creation vs evolution, even basic history is on egg shells. 2+2 is whatever you want or “feel” it to be, here’s your diploma gtfo before we offend you.

lmao spam16v hit the nail on the head